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ImageQuest’s Shutt speaks about Vendor Management at NGage

ImageQuest's Sammi Jo Shutt speaks at Ngage on Vendor Management.

Director of Information Security Services Sammi Jo Shutt served as a panelist on Vendor Management Tuesday at the  NGage annual conference in Newport Beach, Calif.

Sammi Jo joined two others on the topic of best practices for vendor relationships. The session focused on making the Vendor Management process more than due diligence.

It also covered how to set and manage expectations, keep track of Service Level Agreements and other contractual responsibilities, annual performance ratings, and identify and follow through on incidents that could impact the relationship with the vendor.

The session offered methods and practices that help maintain healthy vendor partnerships.

NGage is a three-day annual conference hosted by NContracts, a provider of risk and compliance management software and services to financial institutions.

Sammi Jo leads ImageQuest’s Information Security Team in support of regulated organizations in the financial, healthcare, and related markets. She has more than eight years of experience in compliance management for regulated organizations such as banks, wealth management, and healthcare organizations.

To see if Sammi Jo and her team could assist your organization, contact us for an initial meeting.