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Businessman using laptop with electronic email hacking and spam warning symbol. cyber attack network, virus, spyware, Cyber security and cybercrime.

Why End User Security Training Is So Important

Whether you are a non-profit, insurance company, healthcare organization, or other type of company, you know that cybersecurity is of utmost importance. And while you may have firewalls, network monitoring, and multi-factor authentication in place, are you protecting yourself from your weakest links—your employees? The largest threat surface in almost every organization today is people. Your human capital is your biggest risk from a cybersecurity perspective. So, it’s critical that you make end-user security training a vital part of every cybersecurity program. Book a consultation today to ensure your organization is protected.

How Often Do I Have to Provide Security Awareness Training?

You have to regularly train your people – not just once a year, to be compliant, not just once a quarter because you think you’re being more compliant. You have to make it an embedded part of your culture. Security awareness training just needs to become kind of a cost of doing business, if you will, or table stakes.

How Will I Know If My Security Training Program Is Helping to Protect My Business?

It’s important to not just do the end-user security training, but also do testing behind that to make sure the efficacy of that training is taking place. Things like simulated phishing attacks and engaging training quizzes can help test the success of your training program.

Need Help Implementing End User Security Training?

It’s very, very important that you think about cybersecurity awareness training as probably the number one or number two thing on your list of things to do for cybersecurity. And if you need help implementing regular end-user security training for your team, get in touch with us! Our team of cybersecurity experts can help manage your security awareness training program by sending out routine cybersecurity training lessons and phishing simulations and providing advanced reporting of the exercises and tests on your employees. This information not only protects your business and helps you remain compliant with industry standards but also helps develop effective habits among your workforce. Book a consultation now to start strengthening the cybersecurity in your organization.