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Tag Archives: multifactor authentication

ImageQuest discusses cybersecurity in the Nashville Business Journal

“When tackling a complicated issue like cybersecurity, sometimes the hardest thing is knowing where to start.” We certainly get that! So we’re sharing a recent publication of Cybersecurity Advice by the Nashville Business Journal. It features our CEO, Milton Bartley, on a panel answering questions about cybersecurity from Nashville Business Journal Market President and Publisher … Continue reading "ImageQuest discusses cybersecurity in the Nashville Business Journal"
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Phishing attacks remain a cybersecurity problem, experts say

Have you recently received a communication that initially scared you? Perhaps a notice that your credit card had unauthorized transactions, your bank account needed attention, or your favorite shopping site needed to verify some information to complete your latest purchase, which you knew was an important but last-minute gift? And this notice asked you to … Continue reading "Phishing attacks remain a cybersecurity problem, experts say"
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Annoyed by having to use Multi-factor Authentication?

Do you find it annoying to have to deal with Multi-Factor Authentication? Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is that extra log-in step that cyber experts, including Microsoft and the FBI, say will stop 95 percent of attacks. (Some say 99 percent!) We will stipulate: It can be annoying to have to stop and provide that extra credential.  … Continue reading "Annoyed by having to use Multi-factor Authentication?"
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‘MFA Fatigue’ is a new type of cyberattack

We have a new term for you: MFA Fatigue. While you may feel you are tired of the additional efforts required by multifactor authentication to log in to something, that is not the MFA fatigue of which we speak. This MFA Fatigue is a new type of cyberattack. When a hacker gains a password on … Continue reading "‘MFA Fatigue’ is a new type of cyberattack"
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Cybersecurity Month: Protect yourself with these measures

The world has grown pretty scary in recent years. Hackers steal personal information, money, and intellectual property almost on a daily basis. They’re like zombies – relentless and endless. You have a choice – try to hide, which is impossible in our connected world – OR fight back. We say: Fight back. There are key … Continue reading "Cybersecurity Month: Protect yourself with these measures"
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Improve Your Tech IQ: What is Single Sign-On?

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an authentication method that gives users access to multiple applications after a single login. The multiple services must be related to gain access. A well-known example is when you sign in to Google. Once you sign in to Google, you can access your Gmail, YouTube, Drive, and other accounts. With Microsoft … Continue reading "Improve Your Tech IQ: What is Single Sign-On?"
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NSA, CISA, UK warn of Russian brute force attacks on networks

Do you work for, or have as a customer: Government agencies, the U.S. military, defense contractors, energy companies, higher education, logistics companies, law firms, media companies, political consultants, political parties, or think tanks? Then cybersecurity needs to be your organization’s top priority. Russia’s military intelligence unit (familiarly GRU) is using brute force attacks to break … Continue reading "NSA, CISA, UK warn of Russian brute force attacks on networks"
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IMPROVE YOUR TECH IQ: Why Multifactor Authentication is so important

 By now, you’ve probably heard of multifactor authentication, aka MFA and 2FA. You have some accounts that send text messages with five or six numbers to your phone. Maybe your company makes you use an in-house authentication system where you must tap “approve” on your phone. You may even log into some apps on your … Continue reading "IMPROVE YOUR TECH IQ: Why Multifactor Authentication is so important"
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Multi-factor Authentication: Time to implement it

With the surge in pandemic-related phishing attacks, ransomware, and business email compromise, you must ensure your email and networks are protected. One of the easiest steps you can take to reduce your exposure is to require multi-factor authentication on all accounts where a log-in is required. Ask any cybersecurity expert – multi-factor authentication halts most … Continue reading "Multi-factor Authentication: Time to implement it"
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How hackers use passwords to break in to your systems

A identity security manager at Microsoft recently wrote a blog post talking about how hackers use passwords to try to break in to systems using Microsoft programs. Called “Your Pa$$word doesn’t matter,” the piece by Microsoft’s Alex Weinert walks through various ways hackers use passwords. The list above represents the top 10 passwords hackers test … Continue reading "How hackers use passwords to break in to your systems"
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